Improve Your Posture
Posture and movement are one of the many important things the vocalist can work on. Having a correct posture translates into good breathing and results in a better sound. To improve on posture one must be aware of the body and be reminded of the things to improve upon. On these pages we have collected a number of helpful tips and instructions on how to achieve a correct posture, and exercises which help improving it.
Taylor Swift in 2011
Posture does not only depend on your choice, but also on your performance and environment. Playing an instrument or the setup of a provided stage might force you into a specific position or posture. Therefore we want to know how to improve posture for different body positions.
General Advice
As a general advice you want to keep all the muscles, body parts, and anything anatomically needed for singing natural, relaxed and comfortable. It is important that nothing is hindering or blocking your breathing or the motion of the body elements responsible for your voice. If you feel discomfort or pain while singing you probably do something wrong. You should stop immediately, or adjust your singing in a way that none of these impacts occur.
Choose a position to access tips and exercises
During the process of singing you will experience different situations. What are the common body positions, and how can we improve our vocal performance by improving our posture in each of these situations?
A correct posture in any situation helps improving your vocal performance and sound. However it is often all too common that we develop a bad habit and move away from ideal conditions. Correcting bad habits provided that we recognized them, takes a lot of effort and patience. Ideally we need to be reminded to keep on working on our flaws, and if we do not have a person around there's a trick that might help.
Think of an image that reminds you of the specific habit you'd like to correct and perhaps how the ideal posture looks like, or is achieved. Research/draw and print that image a few times and implement it into your environment by displaying it around the places where you sing. That way it will keep on reminding you to improve on your performance.