The quality of a vocal performance depends on many factors, and it is that thing that seperates the good vocalists from the great. Though it might come to some of us natural there are quite a few things one can tweak and improve on over time, and it's well worth a look to see what these things could be.
We thought to collect all kinds of helpful thoughts, tips, instructions and exercises in this section to give you an arsenal of inspiration on what aspects one could work on to improve on both, the vocal abilities and the overall performance skills. In fact, we are still working on this section for our own journey through the mist of knowledge, there's just so much good advice out there and learning never stops.
So here now is an overview of the topics in this section:
- Song Choice
- Learn Lyrics
- Physical Fitness
- Posture
- Breathing
- Diction
- Pitch
- Vocal Techniques
- Microphone Techniques
- Confidence
- Performance
Steven Tyler in 2007
^ Song Choice
Singing songs from other artists is a great way to practice singing, and a great means to learn a specific vocal technique or ability. The practice will develop you further as an artist and will give you confidence in the craft. But with so many potential cover songs out there, what is the right choice for you? It is important to mention that song choice depends in part on the purpose behind the choice. Do you choose the song as a steppingstone in learning, to be performed at an audition, for a specific event, or would you like to add the song to your existing repertoire of original songs?
Read on how to improve song choice.
^ Learn Lyrics
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^ Physical Fitness
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^ Posture
The posture of ones body is that thing that enables the singer to produce a good vocal performance. A correct posture translates into good breathing and results in a better sound. Overall they say that one should stand naturally and relax his head, neck, and shoulders, but there's more to it. Posture also includes movement, and there are a few details the eye might not spot at the first glance.
Read on how to improve the posture.
^ Breathing
Knowing how to breathe correctly and being able to control it is one of the most important skills a singer can have. A proper breathing technique will enable us to sound great and to improve the tone of our voice. Our ability to sustain notes will increase and we will master to sing longer phrases more effortless. Breathing is a natural process of our body and therefore a good breathing technique comes natural and unforced.
Read on how to improve breathing.
^ Diction
For the vocalist diction describes how words are articulated and intonated during singing. Improving on diction means to gain control about the way we produce tone, brightness, and clarity of the words we sing. It will help with the development of our style, and give us the ability to grow as a performer. Singing with a better diction will enable the audience to understand what the music is about and therefore hear the vocalist better in a live situation. If the audience is able to understand even a single word, it will trigger the listeners imagination and will encourage participation in the audience.
Read on how to improve diction.
^ Pitch
Pitch is a quality of sound, that is measurable by the rate of vibrations of the object producing that sound. Having command over pitch enables a singer not only to stay in tune, but to use the manipulation of pitch as a form of expression. The vocalist will be able to use slides, vibrato, or pitch bends to shape the notes he or she sings. There are two different forms of how one can master to recognize pitch, relative by comparing a note to a reference, and absolute. It is encouraged to practice both skills alongside, and if you master both skills, you will be able to gain complete knowledge about the music you hear, including notes, melodies, chords, harmonies, and the progressions thereof.
Read on how to improve pitch.
^ Vocal Techniques
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^ Microphone Techniques
[to be added soon]
^ Confidence
[to be added soon]
^ Performance
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