Lead Vocals partners with Easy Song Licensing
At Lead Vocals we are actively looking for opportunities to make the life of our visitors easier. We've just completed an extensive article about the different types of copyright licenses in music and have been reminded that any artist will get in touch with researching and obtaining music licenses at some point in time. We have arranged a way for our visitors coming from the United States to clear cover songs fast and easy. For Canadian and other visitors we have collected some additional information on the topic.
Clear any cover song in 1-2 business days with Easy Song Licensing*.
Easy licensing for artists in the United States
Whenever a singer, instrumentalist or a band wants to record, use, or perform music that is owned or controlled by somebody else, it is very likely that a license has to be obtained to do this on legal ground. Mechanical and synchronization licenses ensure that the composer of the song receives a royalty on your recording.
Our new partner Easy Song Licensing takes care of the complete licensing process for a flat rate fee, and will provide Proof of Licensing in form of a PDF document and an online record. Obtaining the rights to release any cover song is done with help of our partner in only 1-2 business days time.
More Information
Read how the Easy Song Licensing service works at